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Ways to Support
Monetary Donations
Your generous, tax deductible donation by allows us to continue to purchase the medically necessary mobility equipment our candidates require.
Donations can be made by using the Donate form on the website or mailing checks to:
Chariots Of Love
PO Box 541224
Lake Worth, FL 33454
100% of the funds are used for the mobility program. We have no salaries or compensation for any board or staff members.
Charity documents for tax reporting can be found under the Home tab on our website using the Documents tab.
In-Kind Donations
As a fully non-profit 501c3 organization, all donations of mobility-equipment, used or new, are fully tax deductible by Federal law. We can always use any mobility equipment: wheelchairs, standers, gait trainers, ramps, especially in pediatric sizes.
We serve candidates from 1 to 21 years of age so full sized equipment is necessary also. We use monetary support from the public to fund the refurbishment and add accessories to used medical equipment to suit our candidates when possible. We are based near West Palm Beach Florida and can arrange for pick up locally if unable to deliver to our storage facilities.
Legal documents for tax reporting purposes can be found on the Documents tab under the Home tab.
Sponsorship Opportunities
We offer a very rewarding and meaningful sponsorship opportunity for individuals, businesses, clubs, and organizations. With a tax deductible donation to Chariots Of Love of $2,000 or more, you will be assigned an upcoming candidate, receive their photos, follow their progress in our program, have an engraved recognition plaque mounted on their wheelchair with your name, business, or group, and will be present to physically give the wheelchair to the child and their family at our public presentation.
Public presentations allow us the chance to demonstrate to the supporters and community the benefits our charity offers and encourages valuable monetary support. All members of the community are invited to an advertised public location to witness the joy and gratitude of our candidates upon receiving their new mobility equipment. The families of some candidates prefer a private presentation for personal reasons and we fully respect their wishes.
*These emotional moments of joy cannot be fully appreciated unless witnessed first-hand!*
Support All Fundraisers
We post our upcoming fundraising events on our social media sites, well in advance, to allow our communities to participate in showing their support of mobility-challenged children in our country. By attending our events, you are thanking local companies that support our organization with your business. We also accept any tax deductible monetary donations at these events to fund our free wheelchair program. Follow us on Facebook at Caps Of Love/Chariots Of Love, Instagram at ChariotsOfLove1, and Twitter at @ChariotsL,
100% of the funds are used for the mobility program. We have no salaries or compensation for any board or staff members.
Charity documents for tax reporting can be found under the Home tab on our website using the Documents tab
It doesn’t take much to change a life. Together, we can move mountains. Get in touch today and start being a part of the change!